Monday, September 29, 2008


Now I am in my renovating phase...I am renovating our office/stash for messes to a craft room. So far so good, but I have secretly hidden all the itty bitty things in drawers...

It has been about one week since we picked up our new puggy named Maximus..He has become our new alarm clock waking up at 6pm and we LOVE him to death..always wants kisses and cuddles...

So now I am trying to get into this sewing business...I am currently reading Dave Ramsey's Total Makeover..

I have discovered (great site) Now i'll never have to look for a book..there's tons out there!

And I have missed the gym for one whole week - I am too scared to go on a scale...i will just have to run it off i suppose...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

To Do Overview

Every day I plan to check off something off my "to do" List. During wedding planning, I found that writing down items in a small memo pad helped me remember things. Plus, it felt great to cross/mark things off. I am that anal. That is the only way I was sane during the wedding process.

Since I am in my "Money Mode" at the moment, I plan on tackling this list I saw on The Simple I plan on doing one (or two) of these items a day.

Good luck to me.

Savings Schmavings

I've always been an avid saver. Well not always. It all started after my second job after college. I noticed that with my first job, I had nothing to show for it. Besides the hangovers and clothes. I decided I needed to save. I started going to Borders and the library and started doing research on how to save. For one of my birthday presents, I received the book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad". I know, nice birthday present I thought. But it actually opened up my eyes. Then I started reading Suze Orman books. I read Money and Kiplinger. I may have looked like a nerd, but I wanted to be financially set. These people made money talk actually FUN. So it was after my second job, that I started my first 401K. I even went all out and started saving in a Roth IRA. I have a few mutual funds in Vanguard and Dodge and Cox.

So fast forward to the present. I have been so immersed in wedding planning (My wedding planning bubble as I like to call it) that I have been out of the loop with my investments. I have wedding debt and I have miscellaneous debt that at the time was justified as a "wedding expense." So, since it's all done with - time to clean up my debt and get on track. Hence, my other "Project" of the day.

I have been browsing the web and have found AWESOME blogs that deal with money. Sure wish I had these a few years back. I could have learned even more tips.

FAV money blogs at the moment:

Get Rich Slowly
The Simple Dollar

I have also read a few books - books that are by people my age. These have inspired me even more to start investing and even taking more of a risk that just the boring old mutual funds.

A Million Bucks By 30 by Alan Corey

This book made me hooked. I think I finished it within a couple of hours. Felt like I was having a conversation with a college student friend at a bar over drinks. Easy read. Entertaining. I still can't believe he lived off ramen for 2+ years.

You're So Money by Farnoosh Torabi

Not as entertaining as Alan Corey's book but still also an easy read. This time told from a standpoint of a girl.

My new fav money blog also lists other books to read. I've got to check some of this out.

What to do with my wedding dress?

My wedding was last month. Fortunately, my dress didn't suffer any grass stains or any major stains. (We took outdoor pictures on a beautiful park.) Now, what do I do with the dress? My Cinderella-esque dress is sooo large it will not fit in my tiny walk-in closet. I am debating taking it to a dry cleaner or dress preservationist as they will charge an obscene amount of money to just put in a bag and collect dust. My options included getting one of those space bags and just vacuuming the air out of it. (That is what you do, right?) I need to do more research on this and get on the ball. Right now, my beautiful dress is hanging on my coat rack collecting dust and absorbing the has kept its shape well. SO well, that it's sort of eerie looking at it at night. Almost like a ghost-bride. Eww.

What is this about?

I ALWAYS have miniProjects/hobbies happening. I love to multitask EVERYTHING. I've got to keep myself busy. For the past year, I was deeply involved in wedding planning. I made my own projects that include invites, save the dates, unity candle, thank you cards. I LOVE researching anything and everything- and what makes it great - THE INTERNET!! here is the perfect outlet. To share what's going on - @ the Moment!! So now, in addition to the million other projects - I introduce my blog! (I sure could have used this when I was wedding planning.)